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Political mythology - unused
Opportunities of Georgia and international

The 2022 Caucasus International Scientific Grants competition awarded the winner of the project "Political Mythology and Metacognitive Management of Crisis" to study political mythology and its role in peace building. The research, based on interdisciplinary research, utilized methods like desk surveys, interviews, comparative analysis, J. Flavel's metacognitive monitoring, and geopolitical modeling. The main task was to assess technology capabilities in political mythology.


Business Engineering Journal




Myth as a common cultural heritage
Metacognitive abilities of protection from occupation

The Caucasus International Department of Fundamental Research, winner of the 2022 competition for scientific grants, is conducting geopolitical research on the Caucasus archipelago. The research uses listist, revisionist, and interdisciplinary metacognition, focusing on political mythology and its potential for Georgia and international security. The article highlights the importance of mythological knowledge in shaping the ideology of the 20th-century German Nazi regime.


Business Engineering Journal


Some fragments and development dynamics of the Georgian school of metapolitology of the III-XVIII centuries

For the first time, the Georgian school of political studies (metapolitology) is presented as a complex dynamic system existing since the 3rd century. Methodological framework of the research is based on the concept of metapolitology, where political studies (unlike other national schools) are presented with a syncretic model of scientific and non-scientific knowledge. The „inclusive design approach” is also utilized, which ensures the use of other sciences for political research and political practice.  The concept of metapolitology is one of the pillars of metacognitive management that considers the use of various types of cognition to solve one problem.


political sciences




From geopolitical anomie to a syncretic
metamodel of the Greater Black Sea Region –
“Five Sea region”

The main goal of this study is to search for new effective mechanisms to assist in preventing the  internationalisation of armed  conflicts in the geostrategic region, the Greater Black Sea Region, which includes the countries of the “Five Seas” (Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Arabian Sea, and Mediterranean Sea), positive transformation of conflicts and the creation of a “Black Sea Security Community”.



Security and Defence Quarterly, War Studies University, Poland


1/2022 vol. 37

Mathematical model of conflict region in case of three population groups with different priorities

The paper proposes a new nonlinear mathematical model, describing in a certain politically conflicting region of a certain state the presence of three population groups with different political priorities.

The paper proposes a new nonlinear mathematical model, describing in a certain politically conflicting region of a certain state the presence of three population groups with different political priorities. 

Monuments of sorrow:
tools for rooting conflicts and peacebuilding
on the example of post-Soviet Georgia

The article analyzes “monuments of sorrow” in Georgian conflicts and emphasizes their potential as elements of peacebuilding.



Studies into the History of Russia and Central-Eastern Europe” by the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IH PAN)



Volume 55, no 3., Special Issue (2020), pages 173-190

Abkhazian crisis: from the Concept of Awareness of Common Threats to the Building of an "Abkhazian Security Community"

The complex system of the Abkhazian conflict in this article received a conditional definition – the Abkhazian crisis.


Scientific and Theoretical Almanac Grani, founded by Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Gonchar; Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine; Center for Social and Political Studies.


Issue 23(3), pages 118-134.

Nuclear and radiation threats as resources for modeling the security community on the example of the Abkhaz political crisis

The article presents one of the practical possibilities for strengthening the modeling process of a new multidimensional peacemaking format. The author analyzes the development of cooperation between the participants in the Abkhazian political crisis to reduce nuclear and radioactive threats.


Scientific and Theoretical Almanac Grani, founded by Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Gonchar; Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine; Center for Social and Political Studies. (2020)

Issue 23 (4), pages 75-92.

International politics of secessionists and unionists – perspectives of cooperation

The article presents the structure of the political conflict at such a quasi-state entity, which is modern Abkhazia. A divided society represents the political component of the Abkhazian conflict. The international politics of secessionists and unionists flows in parallel international spaces.


Culturological Bulletin: Science and Theoretical Yearbook of Nyzhnia Naddniprianshchyna (The Lower Dnieper Ukraine), founded by Zaporizhzhya National University


Issue 41. Volume 1 (2020), pages 140-146.



Crisis in the provision of peace processes in Georgia with qualified specialists

(Defects in Teaching Political Science)

One of the reasons for the unresolved political crises (including Abkhazia) is the insufficient use of political science. We either do not have specialists in the required areas, or trained specialists are not involved in the process.


Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences


Proceedings XIX-XX, 2020, pages 185-193.

The Abkhaz Conflict in the context of Abkhaz Studies (Abkhazian studies)

The article for the first time discusses the Abkhazian conflict as the subject of Abkhazian Studies. The paper first time distinguishes between three hierarchical levels of research on Abkhazia:

1. Abkhazian Studies;

2. Abkhaz Studies;

3. Apsua Studies.


Tskhum-Abkhazian Academy of Sciences


Proceedings XVII-XVIII, 2019, pages 170-191.

The concept of Poly-Diplomacy and Innovative Educational Basis for Georgia’s International Policy

The article presents the coordinated management of international policy in Georgia and the problem of human resources for the diplomatic corps of Georgia. The basis of the problem is the serious shortcomings in planning the relevant educational policy.


Polito/LOGOS, Scientific Journal of the Institute for Political Studies of Caucasus International University


Volume I, 2019, pages 151-162

Neological conflict as a component of complex system of Abkhazian conflict

The article presents a linguistic component of the Abkhaz conflict.  Emphasis is placed on future threats from political terminology and particularly neologisms. The notion of neological conflict is introduced and a general analysis of it in scientific and political discourse is presented.


Scientific proceedings

Guram Tavartkiladze Tbilisi Teaching University, 2019


Volume #9, 2019, pages

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