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«Civil Society or Civil War?»

The book «Civil Society or Civil War?» was prepared within the project “Active Society in Practice”. The project was implemented by partner organizations “The Other Space Foundation” (Poland) and HCA - Georgia.

The reader can obtain information about the role, importance and the interaction of individual components of the whole complex system of civil society. Our colleagues from Poland prepared 10 short essays with an analysis of several examples from the experience of transformation in Poland.

The authors of the book draw attention of readers to the difference of views and dimensions as well as perception and understanding of the term civil society


“Archipelago Caucasus”: myths and real-politic

The book is interesting for colleagues who are supporters of the integration processes in the Caucasus. It is useful both for political and public figures, as well as for representatives of the scientific and analytical community. The authors express their hope that the publication can play the role of a manual for students and postgraduates. It can also be used by peacekeeping organizations to plan projects in new dimensions and formats different from the existing ones. The ideas of regionalism are viewed as a peacebuilding potential in the context of a clash between supporters of globalization and ethno-centrists, on the basis of which a unified system of regional security can be built in the future.


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Georgia: Informational threats and security issues

The publication emphasizes that society must be aware about informational threats, respond on and prevent information violence. The reader can familiarize himself with the methodology for detecting information threats, as well as international and national mechanisms for protection against information aggression. The publication contains articles that reveal the essence of information aggression and the threats emanating from it. It also presents the history of the formation and development of independent journalism in Georgia.


Tbilisi - 2008

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"Pseudo-conflicts and quasi-peacemaking in the Caucasus"

The book consists of two parts - the main study and 27 articles by renowned experts, researchers, and public figures who have been working on these problems for many years.

The study "Pseudo-conflicts and quasi-peacemaking in the Caucasus" analyzes the Tskhinvali conflict itself - from its name and geography of distribution, ending with its structure. It presents an innovative approach to describing conflicts and peacekeeping processes (using the example of the Tskhinvali conflict).

The publication was prepared within the framework of the project "Information support of the peacekeeping process for the settlement of the Tskhinvali conflict" in 2009, supported by the Open Society Georgia Foundation.


Tbilisi, 2009

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